Monday, 7 October 2013

It's been a while....

Ummmm, yep. Your eyes do not deceive you.....this is a real life blog post!

I was going to jump in today with a new post on life lately but now I'm here I feel like I want to explain where I've been, why I'm back and where we're going, and hopefully you will stick around for a bit?

This blogging malarky is a funny old thing. For me, I've realised that I hand-on-heart love it. It's an outlet, a place to be me, to be creative and a million other wonderful things. And when I don't blog, I miss it.

Blogging is also pretty scary. You're putting your life out there for all the world to see, and everyone interprets content differently. I haven't had any negative feedback on my blog (yet), but I'm sure it's out there and winging it's way to me at some point.

The last couple of months have genuinely been excruciatingly busy and emotionally draining. In my day job we have experienced a massive failure, letting down nearly all of our customers and I have spent most of my days apologising and listening to their disappointment.

We also bought a house! Not a sensible one. Hell no. This is the girl that likes to keep things nice and complicated! Although she (the house) will be an absolute beauty one day, right now she's still at the ugly duckling stage (more on that to follow). So Dan and I have been busy little bee's stripping wall paper, tearing down walls and generally making a big old mess in preparation for the experts to get in there and do their thang. I can't wait to move in, but DIY + Project Manager adds another layer of complexity to an already busy life.

And so, the blog took a back seat. At one point, I wasn't sure whether to stay or go.

You see, at heart I'm a total perfectionist. There are so many things that I want to do and write and capture but in all honesty, just not enough hours in the day. The perfectionist in me wanted to pack it in until I could do it all 'properly'.

And then I realised, I love this blog. It represents me and I am far from perfect! Ok, so I may not know much about HTML and photography but I like writing, cooking (eating), travelling, adventures with friends and family, and most of all sharing.

So I apologise in advance if it's messy and unstructured, if some weeks you get five posts and others one but this is it folks, the future. And I'm pretty excited about it.

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