Five Friday Favourites has gone up three Saturday's in a row....ooops. But I still really enjoy sharing what I've loved during the week so here goes...
I made myself a little herb tray. And by "made" I mean I bought them from the supermarket and put them on a pretty tray, not difficult. It looks nice though, and if I keep them alive for more than a week it will be a small miracle!
Friday night plans involved sitting on the sofa, glass of wine in hand, perusing this months Easy Living and some Beauty Porn (SpaceNK's latest catalogue)
I picked up this picture in TKMaxx this week. It's Sean Connery teaching Ursula Andress how to do a handstand on the set of Dr. No in 1962. I really like it but also think it would make a great gift for a Bond fan (which is most guys I know)...
I love fairy tales. They remind me of a time when life was a lot simpler! This book by Camilla Morton is really cute. There's three published so far. I think they make a great coffee table book, or a gift for a girly-girl who likes her designers.
Bath & Body Works Candles are so damn good, they smell divine and last for hours. But I don't think you can get them in the UK. Jenna bought me back these mini ones from her recent trip back home....the Caribbean Escape one I'm saving for the rainiest summer day! I can't wait to try them out this weekend.
Happy Bank Holiday Weekend! x